Lost CUC


New member
Hey there, was looking for some thoughts from the experienced reef brains... I have an evo 13.5 that has been running for about a year. Tanks is SPS dominated, 3 fish total (clown, damsel, and watchman goby).... All coral look healthy, new growth everywhere. Tank is clean, no algae issues, no pests that i know of, everything is smooth. Only problem that im experiencing is that i cannot keep crabs and snails alive for more than a few months. Its not that all of them are dying at once or anything, but i constantly remove empty shells and I know they arent moving to others because there are no others in there. The other day I found an enormous snail dead that had been in there for like 6 months... Its not from lack of nutrients, as I do feed enough to keep everything in there fed. Any ideas on what could be occuring?
Hey there, was looking for some thoughts from the experienced reef brains... I have an evo 13.5 that has been running for about a year. Tanks is SPS dominated, 3 fish total (clown, damsel, and watchman goby).... All coral look healthy, new growth everywhere. Tank is clean, no algae issues, no pests that i know of, everything is smooth. Only problem that im experiencing is that i cannot keep crabs and snails alive for more than a few months. Its not that all of them are dying at once or anything, but i constantly remove empty shells and I know they arent moving to others because there are no others in there. The other day I found an enormous snail dead that had been in there for like 6 months... Its not from lack of nutrients, as I do feed enough to keep everything in there fed. Any ideas on what could be occuring?

the goby is your culprit , he will eat those snails and leave you the empty shells
The Spotted Watchman Goby diet should include a variety of mysis shrimp, vitamin-enriched brine shrimp, table shrimp, and frozen food preparations for carnivores. It should be fed at least twice per day.

I had a coral banded shrimp that would eat all of my snails, and I would find him guarding his shell graveyard.

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Never could keep snails in the 65, ended up being bristle worm. Pretty sure he was culprit. Tried to catch him, no luck...
the goby is your culprit , he will eat those snails and leave you the empty shells
The Spotted Watchman Goby diet should include a variety of mysis shrimp, vitamin-enriched brine shrimp, table shrimp, and frozen food preparations for carnivores. It should be fed at least twice per day.


Bryan, thank you my friend... I've been being lazy and feeding pellet type food as its easier on the run a majority of the week...I'll make sure to keep that goby happily fed so he stops the mass murder :fish1:
Have you considered they are starving to death? Clean up crews need food, and if you are running low nutrient tank, with little algae and such for them to eat, they might simply be starving.