Low dkh


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I have been getting low all reading on the tank. 7.1, 7.3, 6.8. Doing weekly 10 gallon water changes. Just tested fresh batch of saltwater dkh 6.8 so I think it may e mixing low (Aquavitro Salinity). Just picked up Seachem Fusion 1&2 to try to raise the all. I saw the brs calculator but for the life of me I cannot understand dosing/supplementing. Had water tested today at 2 shops calcium 420/390 alk 6.9/6.8. Mushrooms and zoas in the tank added 3 sps frags 2 weeks or so ago nothing should be using up the elements right now. Can anyone give me some pointers before I screw this up haha. Thanks

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1.) If you could answer a couple of questions maybe I could help. What size tank do you have?
2.) You said calculator, which are you using?
I don't know much about Seachem fusion and I am sure it is a fine product but maybe you should try something that will focus on all only like Soda Ash or Red Sea Alk.
80 gallon tank. Brs has a calculator on their site and so does Seachem for raising Cal and Alk. I understand what dosing does but cannot wrap my head around how to do it without under/over dosing. I just googled dosing for dummies haha that's the book I need.

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maybe you should try something that is a tad more potent that only raises alk. I recommended Soda Ash. I don't even see Seachem fusion for a supplement on the alk calculator.
The calculation on BRS alkalinity calculator is only for the products they have listed.

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I know you are using Seachem but I would definitely try something else that is directly responsible for alk. I suggest trying Soda Ash at least once and looking at results then.
I know you might like Seachem but I am old fashioned when it comes to the chemistry of water. I personally think you will get better results using Soda Ash from BRS or Red Sea Alk.
I say Brs Soda Ash simply because you can mix up a gallon at a time.
I did 6.8dkh

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You have bad batch of salt. Every time you change the water you lower your dkh. I'm using FRITZ blue box salt and ESV B-Ionic as two part. I have been very successful with it.
You have bad batch of salt. Every time you change the water you lower your dkh. I'm using FRITZ blue box salt and ESV B-Ionic as two part. I have been very successful with it.
I was going to finish off this bucket and switch. Can I add alk to the water change to get it up?

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Don't waste your time with that salt. If ALK and Cal is off then other things might be wrong with it too. I would switch right away.
I was going to finish off this bucket and switch. Can I add alk to the water change to get it up?

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If nothing is dying or impacted by your salt, I would switch to a new salt slowly. You don't want to shock your tank either.
You can raise dkh by adding baking soda to your Tank. When my alk was low I used arm and hammer baking soda to bring it up to where I needed it (albeit, slowly)