Lowest Temperature for SPS?


New member
Just wondering, what's the lowest temp you guys would keep your SPS tanks at? I was reading up on liveaquaria and they have their SPS temp range at 72-78 degrees. Will they really thrive at low temps like 72?
I'm asking because I just recently moved my SPS tank to the basement.
When I was keeping seahorses in my reef I has the tank at a pretty constant 72 with no ill effects. I keep my tank now at 77.
Okay, I just google the Great Barrier Reef temperature ranges and it seems like the range goes from 64-80 degrees in the winter, and 73-86 degrees in the summer.
Okay, I just google the Great Barrier Reef temperature ranges and it seems like the range goes from 64-80 degrees in the winter, and 73-86 degrees in the summer.

Mid 60s will not hurt your tank/coral. I know Peka keeps her reef at that temp to accommodate her sea horses.
the mantra, constant is always best, is probably the best advise I've ever heard. doesn't really matter where in that spectrum the tank is kept, just as long as it's kept there, staying away from the extremes.

86 will melt everything, that is why the barrier reef is browning/bleaching, just like i would think mid 60's would experience no growth, just survival.
that should be perfect imo, i keep my tanks closer to 75 so it wont hit 80's lights on.

no sps though.
Our tank swings per the seasonal setting on our controller. From about 72 - 82 slowly through the entire year. Probably makes no difference, since our lights change the time that they turn on and off with the season too.
The lowest I'd ever keep my reef would be at 72 F. I normally go at 79. The highest it ever hit was 84 F and lowest went down to 68 F. Both with no ill effects for about an 3 hours.

Though 72 F maybe the minimum, i feel a lot safer at 78-79 F in case of those temp. swings.
I have a mixed reef but a ton of sps. I keep my tank between 77 and 78 it moves a bit during the day but that is the best I can do with no controller.
so i went downstairs to look at the temp, the lights are about to turn off, and my tank is at 80. so I swing 5 degrees a day, right now I'm having salinity issues with the tank evaporating a gallon a day and i can't keep up my top offs, so everything except my open brain is pissed, but until then everything was thriving, but i have hard to kill duncan/xenia/open brain/encrustings HH, so thats relative.