LPS won't open.


New member
Anyone have any ideas? Everything else is open. Leathers, sps, star polyps, clove polyps, Monti, clam, zoos, my frogspawn just won't open. Thought I'd do a water change so I did a 20% change last night. Still nothing.

Alk 8.6
Salinity 1.024
Temp 78
Ca 420
Nitrate 0
PH 8.3
Phosphate . 03 I'm guessing

And what is this? Been on the coral since I got it. Been two months now. Last two weeks it hasn't been open. I've always wondered what this is though.

The red thing on the stalk.

You mentioned leathers, do they look bad? If so, I'd for sure get the carbon going again...they can release yucky chemicals.

If nothing else sticks out, I've found bacteria dosing has helped me when things are odd like that...I use Seachem Stability.
Maybe I'll do another large water change in a few days. Just to see if anything gets better. I can't believe everything else is open except my two frog spawns.
How about spot feeding with some oyster delight or coral smoothie (or other food of choice) to try to stimulate PE. Another terrible guess or long shot rather would be that your clowns are trying to host and it is closing as a result.
have you moved it recently to an area with more lighting?....they don't usually like very intense lighting....
What type of flow do you have? Euphillia don't like getting blasted with flow.

This, they come from lagoons so too much flow upset them. Mine looked like that until I moved them to the back of my tank out of the direct flow of the returns and powerheads
The red things are new heads forming along the skeleton. Flow is probably my first guess as to why they aren't opening up.
40 gallon water change. No change. I don't have any calmer spots than its in right now. Not sure. Everything else is happy.