Mag over dose


Well-known member
Well I think I f ked up, a couple of weeks ago I noticed that my mag was getting on the low side and I have not dosed mag for well over a yr now so I started with a gal and hook it up to my pump and slowly started to raise up to 80mls well not paying attention it was set for 800 mls needless to say I dump 3/4 of the gal before catching it and now starting to see the effects. Once favorite piece of undata is now a gray unhappy coral and all my montis are in bad shape, losing a lot of color in the rest of my coral but only in the DT and in the frag tank everything still looks great.... I don't understand
Any advise to correct this ? I'm doing water change slowly and not trying to shock the system anymore, letting nature do its thing for the most part.

Just WC Tom, I found out about high mag in a slower but similar way. Some sps STN'd, others had retracted polyps and slow growth for many even after mag was at normal levels.
This is why i try to have enough water to do 50 percent water change at all times. Cant tell u how many dumb accidents ive had and uts saved my arse. Good luck man if u lose u undata mine needs a trim i will give u piece
As was already mentioned above, water changes will correct the problem. A whole different high mag related issue is that if you have consistent high mag levels and a sandbed you could also start to see the sand begin to solidify, as in a solid piece of sand that you can physically lift out of the tank. I learned about that a couple months ago.
As was already mentioned above, water changes will correct the problem. A whole different high mag related issue is that if you have consistent high mag levels and a sandbed you could also start to see the sand begin to solidify, as in a solid piece of sand that you can physically lift out of the tank. I learned about that a couple months ago.

Ok slow down your scaring

Good luck with that bro... all my inverts died from too high of mag, which started another cycle and a major algae bloom. Just do daily water change if possible. Magnesium depletes very slowly unlike alk and cal.