Mandarin Feeding Station-Need help soon!! (12/22/19)

So I jumped the gun a bit I think. I bought a Mandarin with very little pods in my established tank (75 gallon). I added two bottles of pods two days ago when I added the Mandarin. I'm planning on continuing to add pods to my fuge..1-2 bottles/ week for a month until I get a good population. He also eats frozen mysis....that's why I bought him. I'd like to make a feeding station this weekend, but had some questions.....

How do you make a mandarin feeding station that houses pods? I’ve seen it done with brine, but is it possible to do it with tiggerpods? Thanks


How does one add pods once built. I know the suggestion is to use tubing and funnel pods in, but wont the pods just sit in the tube?

Any suggestions would be welcomed. Thanks and happy holidays!!!
If your mandarin eats mysis, you dont have to stress over making a pod feeding station. And I honestly dont think you can supply enough pods that way anyway. I had one that ate pellets and it lived for years eating that. It wiped out my pod population in just weeks (125g with fuge) and I couldn't keep up with supplying enough pods for that little pig. Thankfully, it started to eat NLS pellets and that was enough.
I think I’d like to give a feeding a station a go anyway just to start. I haven’t seen him eat any mysis in my tank yet (think he’s eating the pods I added) and want to make sure he’s getting some nutrition. Thought a bottle a week of tigger pods in the station and then add another bottle to my fuge. Do this for a month. Read an article where a guy was setting mysis in top of the feeding station to assure his mandarin was eating frozen. He swore by it and claimed he had trained 3 mandarins to eat this way.
Do you think cut pantyhose would be a good net to keep pods in the Petri dish?

Going to pick up some pellets too.
you can get a pod hotel on ebay for like $10 and put it in your sump. worth a try? did you get those mandarins from Xzotic?
Yes, I can see how a feeding station can be useful in training your mandarin to eat frozen. What I did before my mandarin started to eat pellets is to have a liverock and chaeto in net bags and continously moved them between the sump and main display. But I know that wasn't nearly enough for what my mandarin needed. If it ate mysis before, it will eat it again...hopefully.. good luck!
If you have a decent fudge or sump the population will balloon quickly, make sure to seed the fudge. It will hit the ones in the main display pretty good, but I have a very fat Mandarin in my display tank that wont even acknowledge prepared food and still have pods everywhere.

As far as the feeding station, I'm no help, but his natural food can be made plentiful.

If you need some Chaeto to get everything going, let me know.