Mandarin in a nano tank?


Princess Trainer
Has anyone had success with a mandarin in a nano? I've been reading about their dietary needs (75+lbs live rock with great pod population, mature tank; but possible to train on frozen food, etc). Has anyone tried and HOB refugium (like an Aquaclear) on a nano?
The only way possible to keep a Mandarin in a nano, is if it is eating prepared foods. The green ones seem to be easier for this than the blue ones.
If it were me, I would not put a mandarin in a nano. The AquaClear filters are not big enough to grow the amound of pods you will need to keep a mandarine well fed.
How about a single Mandarin in a nano ,(Aquaclear HOB) and small LR rubble piles in the tank? Maybe seeding with live pods and allowing them to populate first before adding the Mandarin? Are their metabolisms so high that they would just eat all of them in a short time?
BTw, I'm just throwing around ideas; don't have one coming soon or anything like that. :)
How about a single Mandarin in a nano ,(Aquaclear HOB) and small LR rubble piles in the tank? Maybe seeding with live pods and allowing them to populate first before adding the Mandarin? Are their metabolisms so high that they would just eat all of them in a short time?
BTw, I'm just throwing around ideas; don't have one coming soon or anything like that. :)

My comment above was for a single Mandarin. Its just not going to work. Seeded with pods, rock rubble, and HOB filter just isn't going to be enough.
My comment above was for a single Mandarin. Its just not going to work. Seeded with pods, rock rubble, and HOB filter just isn't going to be enough.

I meant it'd be the only fish in the tank; but I do understand what you're saying. Maybe I'll just buy a few hundred bottles of pods and feed that way. That wouldn't be too expensive, would it? lol
I meant it'd be the only fish in the tank; but I do understand what you're saying. Maybe I'll just buy a few hundred bottles of pods and feed that way. That wouldn't be too expensive, would it? lol

Ya!!! It would be much cheaper to buy the proper setup! :fish: But you'd still have to wait and let it mature. :pop2:
I have a couple and have had them for years in a 210 reef. They eat things so small you can't see and lots of them none stop all day long. You need an established reef w/ lots of live rock. If you have wrasses and other competative fish its not gonna help things.
Wait, so are you saying that an ORA one should work for my setup?

No, and I'm not saying it won't either. In my opinion, ORA mandarins still belong in a large tank with a good pod population.

Mine was in a 65g, decent amount of pods, plenty of LR, ate frozen, 4 other slow moving fish in the tank, and still jumped. I won't be running out and buying a replacement anytime soon.
maybe think about a scooter blenny.... i have one in my 30 gal with 10 gal refugium and he mostly eats the pods but loves myisis shrimp