Mangroves anyone?


I just received the mangroves i ordered from eBay. 6x10" red mangroves that came from brackish water. I just finished acclimated them and they are now in my sump. For those that seen my build thread, there isn't much room for a separate refuge, so there is a small chamber in the sump i use for this.

Right now i have very little sand and rubble in the champed, along with cheato and the 6 mangroves. THere is a 8k led light on them for 12 hours a day. I will make sure to rinse them with RO every day or two. as of now, the roots are not completly covered in sand so i need to purchase more, or should i get M Mud?

Any thoughts or concerns with this? this is the first time I'm trying mangroves.
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I think you should try and replicate nature as often as possible. With that being said light usually comes from above not from below on the side. I think that this will help the mangroves grow. Just my 2 pennies. I also thin some of the flow should be diverted from the chamber on the left to the skimmer chamber. I say this because mangroves are used to really slow water movement and their roots are pretty delicate for the first few months of replanting.

Hope this helps.
Sorry, i should have specified my my light set up. It is actually hung from the top of the stand pointed down on the stems.(not like in the picture). There is VERY little movement thoughout the refuge chamber. I should have specified, but the chamber is water tight on the side next to the baffles from the skimmer and 4" high next to the return pump. Thanks

I have mine in the overflow box and loving it.. Had them in the sump and was not doing good for me. But it worked out!


Now, I have seen sumps with mud and sand.. Keep in mind the mud will make your water cloudy for a few days.. But have heard mixed results using it. I think sugar sand will be great..
That is clever. However i won't be able to do that with my tank. I have a cover over the overflow to reduce noise and with 10" stems and 18" of water, the leaves would be submersed.
you could always put something in your overflow to prop it up! I think it would be a very cool look!

I have mine in the overflow box and loving it.. Had them in the sump and was not doing good for me. But it worked out!


Now, I have seen sumps with mud and sand.. Keep in mind the mud will make your water cloudy for a few days.. But have heard mixed results using it. I think sugar sand will be great..

That's a pretty sweet idea. I may have to try that :)
you can also gently ziptie the stems to sticks of bamboo and then secure the bamboo someone. That leaves the roots free flowing.
I'm not sure adding cheato in the overflow box will be great.. Might be a trap like using a sponge..

But can be wrong
Mine are doing will in the sump. very easy to mist them with getting water everywhere. also added a "T" fitting to the drain so a 1" goes into the filter sock and 1/2" goes directly to the refuge.
If you have the cover on your overflow, did you ziptie them to the front and therefore the roots are in the DT?...or still in the overflow?
I have mine in egg crate squares with every two rubberbanded together to prevent them from falling through. They're all as happy as can be!