Mangroves vs Cheato!!

I researched this before I built my fuge because I wanted some...but from what I read, chaeto is more efficient. Mangroves were too much work with needing the leaves wiped down often and available head room for growth and the light.
I always imagined mangroves would be more for the ornamental refugiums - the kind where you wanted to display various macro algae and mangroves would just make it look nicer.... Lol, makes enough sense to me given I'd love to incorporate an ornamental refugium, kind of like a planted freshwater tank!
If someone finds the thread on RC about a guy buying 100+ mangroves.. Please post it here

Come on guys!! Show!!
well, mangroves are natures HOB filter for the ocean both mechanically and physically, but in an aquarioum I doubt you could ever really have enough to really work like that without extra assistance from chaeto and/or other chemical/mechanical filtration, but they do look cool and my personal philosophy is to try to increase biodiversity as much as possible in case there is some hidden benefit from one of the pieces of the puzzle (or a combination f the right ones). I don't need no RC thread to back up what I saw on the Discovery channel :)
well, mangroves are natures HOB filter for the ocean both mechanically and physically, but in an aquarioum I doubt you could ever really have enough to really work like that without extra assistance from chaeto and/or other chemical/mechanical filtration, but they do look cool and my personal philosophy is to try to increase biodiversity as much as possible in case there is some hidden benefit from one of the pieces of the puzzle (or a combination f the right ones). I don't need no RC thread to back up what I saw on the Discovery channel :)

LOL!! This is why I like you Herb...
Mangroves are suppose to help eat up Nitrates just like Cheato Algea.. Is one better than the other... Not really they both do the same IMO I have one in each of my Fuge and they are growing just fine
If someone finds the thread on RC about a guy buying 100+ mangroves.. Please post it here

Come on guys!! Show!!

Lol, I swear I saw that post on here at one point as well... Was like... Wtf...... Where are you possibly going to house 100 mangroves?? Someone bought 30 recently, and I still think that amount is insane... I mean, especially imagining these things growing up.... Have you seen a mangrove forest??
I have a few you can have if you want to mess with them. I just cant trash them because they are still alive...You have to DIY some kind of support for them PITA...
Ill toss in another thing (since i was pondering it earlier today)

Cheato vs. mangroves vs. Algae Scrubber (DIY)
Mangroves are suppose to help eat up Nitrates just like Cheato Algea.. Is one better than the other... Not really they both do the same IMO I have one in each of my Fuge and they are growing just fine

Actually chaeto consumes it and phosphates faster, but Caluerpa does it the best.
Lol, I swear I saw that post on here at one point as well... Was like... Wtf...... Where are you possibly going to house 100 mangroves?? Someone bought 30 recently, and I still think that amount is insane... I mean, especially imagining these things growing up.... Have you seen a mangrove forest??

The thread I'm talking about had alot of info and pictures.. Was crazy how the guy had this set-up..

I just can't find it right now with my phone.. Small key board :banghead:
quote from

"Mangroves, similar to an algae based system utilise nutrients from the water to aid in their growth, the primary nutrients utilised are phosphate and nitrate therefore as with macro algae they are a good tool for use as a [tag-tec]nutrient export[/tag-tec] device. The difference between mangroves and macro algae is that when macro algae dies in the aquarium all of the nutrients which they have taken up are released back into the water column, mangroves do not directly release nutrients back into the water, but to ensure that this does not happen the aquarist does need to ensure that any old yellowish looking leaves do not fall into the aquarium water."