March 26 janesville wi frag swap


New member
We will be hosting a frag swap in Janesville wi March 25, 11 am to 3 pm. Admission is free to the general public. You can find all information regarding our swap at
Pontiac convention center
2809 Pontiac drive
Janesville wi, 53546.

If you would like to sell please pay for a spot on out site.

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After serious thought, I’ve decided to share talks between myself and the host of this swap. The reason, to let you all decide as I did. Do you want to support an event that states “All the proceeds are donated to one of several Veterans Organizations…” (taken form the front page of the website) yet has no ability to show it.

Truth be told, albeit a harsh truth, not all people claiming to be charity are. You who know me understand I’m just a hobbyist giving back, I’m not in this for a profit. You decide from the following unedited conversation.
Today, 09:54 PM
Hi Adam,
Welcome to CR, I see your first post is announcing a swap. Do you have 501c3 paper work to share with me? Please respond back without delay. I'll just take down the post otherwise.

Quote jelly
Do I need one
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Today, 10:03 PM
It's quite interesting how your first post on the site is intended to make you a profit. It comes across as simply an advertising outlet for your interest. With that, you need a sponsorship on CR before being able to advertise. If you are a non for profit and have 501c3, that's different.

Quote jelly
I donated all the money I get to a vets group. I have been doing this swap for 7 years now. I also post on wrs, cmas, r2r, mars. I csnt post on rc they won't allow me I don't have enough posts. Feel free to check decks posts he has my swap date on his post on rc
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Today, 10:13 PM
You see my point then, hopefully. I've had others state they donate their profits from swaps, but without 501c3 paper work or even any posts to go by here on CR, how can there be any idea from my standpoint you're truthful.
Truth is far to brutal, there are people who arn't honest, stealing when claiming charity. With how you started the thread without being a part of the community, without reaching out to a mod or myself first, I'll need more than just your word to keep the post up. I hope you understand my point. Being just a hobbyist myself, it's my interest to help protect others.

Quote jelly
I understand Your point. If you need to remove it then I guess you have to. But I would like to see it stay. The more I get our swap out there the more people come and the more I can send to hero's on the water. I can ask derk, and even beefs reef about my swap. They have been coming since the beginning and I work closely with beefy to get our swap out there to
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Today, 10:23 PM
In stead of me needing to remove it, it's upon you to show it needs to stay. I fully support, supporting charity it just needs to be shown or known it's all charity. Without 501c3 and without being known in the local community I've taken it down. I know Beefy but even at that, does he know ALL your profits go to charity?

Quote Originally Posted by jelly
Yes cause he's close friends of mine. I work for him building his systems
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Today, 10:29 PM
Again, you haven’t addressed my concern. How does he know? You've opened up your record keeping showing all expenses and income? Please provide me the same info on your previous swaps and I can have confidence this one will operate similarly.

Quote Originally Posted by jelly
If I gave you a number to call and you can talk to the hero's on the water that I donate to. Will that work.
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Today, 10:36 PM
I don't see us being on the same page. 501c3 paperwork would prove all your profits are donated. No profit is taken. How would talking to the end charity confirm that? I've made my concern and request for details. I'll need this level of info, no way around it, now or in any future year.

Quote Originally Posted by jelly
I already told you I don't have a 501 c3. I'm a vet myself and Im honest but go ahead and call me a lier or be skeptical all you want. Take my post down. And shove it cause your bring the same as rc. I do this to help vets not to help my self. If you can't see then I can't help you. I'll be sure to not post here again.
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Today, 10:42 PM
And a very professional reply. Thanks for helping to show your character. Enjoy reefing Sir.

Quote jelly
Never said I'm professional and won't be when I feel insalted. But don't care you can still shove it and the rest or the board to. Block me to from the forum don't care
end Quote
I know I'm a mod here, but even if I wasn't, the fact of the matter is that if you're donating the proceeds to a charity, you should be able to show the proceeds and the donation to charity. I donate money, and I get forms to file with my taxes.
And that’s the standard everyone is accountable to on the forum @DD. If you’re non-profit, show it and we’re good. A good example is CMAS. They’ve shared their 501c3 and I sent a pm reply back to the CMAS secretary how to get their swap on CR. If you're out to make a profit from the community, you will donate back into it using a sponsorship.
Well thats pretty obvious u did the right thing, thanks for looking out [MENTION=1277]jrpark22000[/MENTION]
Good catch and good job Josh on handling that. He had a different agenda.

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