Maroon clown and flame angel


Well-known member
Was wondering do you guys thnk a maroon clown and a flame angel would be compatible in a 29 gallon biocube?
Maroons are the biggest size clowns and they get pretty territorial, so housing it with any other fish on a 29 gal might cause alot of fighting.
research research research. Live aquaria is a good place to start. Browse through all the different fish species, and they give nice detailed write up about their requirements.
If you are ONLY going to keep a Maroon Clown in the 29g that will work just fine. I kept a spawning pair in a 24g with a huge RBTA and they were perfectly happy.

You do not want to put a flame angel in a 29g or any other nano. If you really want a dwarf angel, consider the Pygmy Cherub but they are notoriously difficult to acclimate to captivity. There is not enough swim space for a flame angel and they will become very aggressive with any other additions. Keep in mind that the tank size recommendations on Live Aquaria are a BARE MINIMUM for what the fish will need to survive, not thrive.

Start here:
Im with SkullV, my CB became very aggressive in my 28g to the point of fighting with the new pair of clowns that ended up in the both the CB and one of the clowns dead the next morning, despite there being very little aggression during lights on.
thank you everyone for your input.... now just gotta find a good tank mate for the maroon clowns... i really like the flame angels....,gonna do some research...
thank you everyone for your input.... now just gotta find a good tank mate for the maroon clowns... i really like the flame angels....,gonna do some research...

There are zero tankmates that will likely survive long term with a maroon clown, let alone a pair, in a 29g tank. If you are dead set on maroons either plan on a species only tank with a bubble tip anemone or look at a 40g breeder or 55g tank.
well.. i love the maroon but.. i also love the flame angel.. im just looking for eye popping easy to keep fish since i've only been reefing for about half a year..
yeah i bought it from cubbies.. Im just trying to get a gameplan going for what kind of live stock and equipment i want and am gonna nead... so im kinda keeping an eye on stuff being sold and trying to ask questions so i can get my new tank set up..
yeah i bought it from cubbies.. Im just trying to get a gameplan going for what kind of live stock and equipment i want and am gonna nead... so im kinda keeping an eye on stuff being sold and trying to ask questions so i can get my new tank set up..

That is for sure the right way to go!

For some colorful nano fish look at:

  1. Basslets
  2. Gobies
  3. Blennies
  4. Percula/Ocellaris Clowns
  5. Firefish
  6. Cardinals (I would stay away from Bangaii in a Nano)
  7. Pigmy Wrasses
  8. Jawfish (with the right sandbed)
  9. Chromis
Honestly, just take SkullV's advice and stick with a pair of maroons in the tank. They will get mean in a big tank, let alone a large nano tank. Oh, and if you put a nem in there, expect to be attacked when you have to put your hands in the tank for maintenance...
oh ok.. im still deciding but i thnk i can handle a attack from a maroon clown.. when i bought live rock frm a local fish store.. and was setting it up in my 14 gallon biocube i was lucky to avoid a peacock mantis shrimp attack.. it hitch hicked in my live rock.. i put my finger in a hole to move it around... and i heard a click click noise in... man.. i almost lost a finger lol