Masm Fall Frag Swap 10/28/12 Michigan

AJ :)

New member
I would like to announce the MASM Fall Frag Swap!

We are changing things up a bit and will have this swap in Plymouth, MI. at the VFW post 6695.

The date will be Sunday October 28th.

Doors open at Noon and close at 3pm.

Tables are now available!!
Go to Marine Aquarium Society of Michigan, Michigan Reef Club and check the link to the Fall Frag Swap.

There will be a short setup and clean up time for this swap just 30 minutes.

4 foot tables are $15. MASM members get them for $10.

$3 admittance , Club members get in for FREE!

Hope to see ya there!
Too bad this is back to back with the Chicago CMAS swap otherwise Windy City Reefs would of made an appearance.
Ah, well you can't win them all. :) We are hoping to be doing more smaller swaps throughout the year, in different locations around the tri-state area.