Maxima clam question


New member
So this Is what j got going on guys. I have a 90 gallon reef tank that has mainly sps and lps. The tank has been up and running for about 2 months and eveything in my tank is tip- top with allmu levels right. I have A.I. Led lights. But I was wondering if it is to soon to add a maxima? My inverts have done good and my corals are doing well and thriving. Please let me know y'all opinion thanx!!!!
If sps is truly thriving in your tank then a maxima will fare well. There are some cautions though, for example running a phosphate reactor with GFO seems to be linked to exacerbation of pinched mantle disease, and normally reef-safe bristle worms will also attack clams that seem to otherwise be healthy. Nothing conclusive on these issues, just things to be aware of.

Also, be aware of pyramellid snail pests.
Thanx guys I would some more ideas from others. As far as the lights go I know they will do well, I was just wondering I've heard that you have to wait 6 months to have one. But like I said corals are thriving and also inverts. My levels are perfect
yes GFO directly effects my maximas... I only run carbon now. Bristle worms have never been an issue for me. I always find some under the clams, but their just there avoiding the light, and the wrasse.
Granular ferric oxide, or basically any form of rust-based phosphate absorbing media. It seems to irritate clams (especially maximas) something fierce and make them vulnerable to really the only thing that's typically fatal to them in our aquariums--the dreaded PMD, pinched mantle disease.
No,bio pellets are different from GFO. You will be fine with your clam if you're using bio pellets.I have one in my tank,no problems.
I have my maximas under AI leds and they absolutely thrive.

I dont have brisstle worms in my tank. Dont want to take the risk.

Heres a quick pick of one of mine. Dumb of me not to realize my hand/camera would block the Dark pic doesnt show true colors.
He is mostly purple with gold and blue patterns with green rim. 5"

Original pic:

My pic: