Maxima clam


New member
Ive been looking to buy a maxima clam for a while now but cant seem to find one at any of the LFSs that i went to. Does anyone know where they are for sale. I would really like a smaller one so i can watch it grow:)

I personally would buy anything under 3" but prefer 4". I was thinking about trying one from live aquaria. They have good prices on them.
for getting one that's at least 3". I bought one a few months ago that was between 1.5 to 2 inches and it didn't make it . If I ever decide to get another it would have to be at least 3"

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It still seem like a slow season for clam trading tho, went to three stores today, they just sold all their clams around 3-4weeks ago. Waiting for next shipment

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