Maybe ready to upgrade...go bigger????


I have had a 30 gal nano running for about 18 months now and have gone through a the typical hiccups....ick, lost an anemone, had a Mandarin die when I introduced a shrimp that out-hustled the Mandarin for the frozen brine shrimp, etc...

So now I am considering switching my 75 gallon Cichlid tank to a Reef tank to replace the nano. My 75 is not drilled.

My question is, what do I need in the way of equipment to make this switch. I know I need a better light than I have for my cichlids and I have 20 gallon that I can use as a sump. I also have a Fuval canister filter on the 75 now - is it of any use to me with a reef tank? I have several heaters that I can use in the new set-up.

What other equipment do I need and how much should I expect to invest in this other gear, not including live sand, live rock, and livestock?

Thanks in advance.
Lights, skimmer, return pump.
I suggest running a reactor over tossing bags of media in the sump.

The canister can still be used for mechanical filtration

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Overflow kit and drill bits to cut holes in your tank for the overflow and return.
Misc. Plumbing: PVC, unions, gate valves, wye check valve, loc-line return jet.
In tank flow generators (MP40, Gyre, etc).

Optional: Auto top off and reservoir.

As far as cost; the sky is the limit. Figure out your design and research the different components and try to pick them up used from another reefer who took care of his stuff.
What are your goals for this tank? Reef, FOWLR, softies, SPS, LPS, mixed? What you want to do with it will have an impact on the bottom dollar cost

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Looking to stay fairly basic as I am relatively new to the saltwater hobby. I would like it ot be a reef tank with fish, some softies that are currently in my nano, and some inverts. Plan on staying away from the more exotic corals for the foreseeable future until I get more experience.
Just stop by if you want to see how to run a cheap self made system .
Looking to stay fairly basic as I am relatively new to the saltwater hobby. I would like it ot be a reef tank with fish, some softies that are currently in my nano, and some inverts. Plan on staying away from the more exotic corals for the foreseeable future until I get more experience.
I sincerely appreciate that offer. I may be heading south to Plainfield on Sunday late morning or early afternoon. I'll PM you my cell phone number so we can communicate.
I have had a 30 gal nano running for about 18 months now and have gone through a the typical hiccups....ick, lost an anemone, had a Mandarin die when I introduced a shrimp that out-hustled the Mandarin for the frozen brine shrimp, etc...

How about a couple pics :D
Here are a few pictures of my 30 gal nano. I've moved my Yellow Finned Damsel and Domino Damsel to another tank as I prepare to introduce a pair of Clowns into the nano. I also seem to have a bit if a red algae bloom that I've been told can be addressed by adding a sand sifter type gobie and increasing my "cleaning crew".

Right now I have 2 BTAs, a leather coral, green star polpys, a torch coral, mushrooms, and a few other softies.

Sorry for the orientation of the pictures. I can't seem to get them rotated when I post them

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Sorry for the orientation of the pictures. I can't seem to get them rotated when I post them

The trick is to use "go advanced" option when posting pics, then click the paperclip and upload them that way. It bypasses the forum tool that rients photos width ways.
Here are a few pictures of my 30 gal nano. I've moved my Yellow Finned Damsel and Domino Damsel to another tank as I prepare to introduce a pair of Clowns into the nano. I also seem to have a bit if a red algae bloom that I've been told can be addressed by adding a sand sifter type gobie and increasing my "cleaning crew".

View attachment 17773

Nice looking nano. That looks like a good case of cyno, have you tried a red slime remover? It may be worth a quick search on it.
I have a 60 gallon cube tank that is drilled and ready to go if you are interested. Comes with everything you will need, it's even set up right now.