I have had a 30 gal nano running for about 18 months now and have gone through a the typical hiccups....ick, lost an anemone, had a Mandarin die when I introduced a shrimp that out-hustled the Mandarin for the frozen brine shrimp, etc...
So now I am considering switching my 75 gallon Cichlid tank to a Reef tank to replace the nano. My 75 is not drilled.
My question is, what do I need in the way of equipment to make this switch. I know I need a better light than I have for my cichlids and I have 20 gallon that I can use as a sump. I also have a Fuval canister filter on the 75 now - is it of any use to me with a reef tank? I have several heaters that I can use in the new set-up.
What other equipment do I need and how much should I expect to invest in this other gear, not including live sand, live rock, and livestock?
Thanks in advance.
So now I am considering switching my 75 gallon Cichlid tank to a Reef tank to replace the nano. My 75 is not drilled.
My question is, what do I need in the way of equipment to make this switch. I know I need a better light than I have for my cichlids and I have 20 gallon that I can use as a sump. I also have a Fuval canister filter on the 75 now - is it of any use to me with a reef tank? I have several heaters that I can use in the new set-up.
What other equipment do I need and how much should I expect to invest in this other gear, not including live sand, live rock, and livestock?
Thanks in advance.