Meanwell LDD-1000H LED Driver build


New member
Hi has anyone used this driver yet? i am planning a build with these drivers running 4 channels,

My questions is what kind of controller should i use?

I am either thinking the typhon LED controller, or an arduino build the thing is i have never even touched ardunio and wondering how hard this build would be.

The only reason that was stopping me from doing a 3w build was the high price of drivers around $30

This new driver $5 each plus around $30 for a power supply, also dims to 0
LDD drivers are what are being used for the new makers driver, plenty of info over at LED group buy about them. if you have never touched an arduino, how much experience do you have with code and electronics? Its not complicated to get it going, but you have to know what you are doing so to speak. Any controller that has a PWM output will be able to control these drivers.
I have plenty of experience with computers just not adruino code. But I believe I can quickly learn. I guess its about time I try adruino.
experience with computers isint the same thing as understanding electronics and code, but if you have a basic understanding of electronics or aptitude to learn and c code then arduino is easy.
yea im good with computers but i got two arudino's sitting in the corner because i cant code. i knew i would be kicking myself in the butt for not learning to program. **** you 20 year old self!!!!!