Mini maxi anenome dieing?


Active member
So I "saved" this anenome from petco three days ago. Its foot was attaching, but now nothing. It's mouth is wide open. I put some rods food in it to try to trigger a feeding response; nothing. I think its dead or dieing. I've always had good luck with them. This one looked bad at store. I convinced the manager to let me have it. The sad thing is that she seemed knowledgable, but they let there tanks get really bad and the light is pc that I'm sure hasn't been changed in years.
Agree with Pufferpunk. If you are patient... it may come back. It's response could be that of a little shock from the change too... If it goes to snot.... get it out and pitch it. Until then.... wait! It could bounce back...

I hate to see SW stuff at the big chain stores. I was at one this last weekend...and had my kids with me. It was really tough to see emaciated fish that I would love to have... or corals that just look horrible ...suffering... in dark, dingy and dirty tanks. You want to buy them and save them....but then that store buys more and the cycle continues.
I agree, do not support crappy stores. Keep your $$$ in stores that keep healthy stock.
That includes "rescuing" fish!
It was free! I worked there and the employees do care, but with such a cooperate influence they can't even get better pc bulbs. It's sad I know. I've brought my test kit and showed them what's wrong, but they dont have ro/Di or the equipment. You would think these kind of stores could afford these mandatory pieces of equipment.
Update: its flesh is starting to fray off. Now its mouth is super wide open. Like the size of a penny. I don't think its gonna make it. :(
No reason to hold off on feeding. When an anemone is bleached like that feeding it is the ONLY source of nutrition it has. Holding off would have made things even worst. If the anemone takes the food in then it can eat. If it doesn't then it cant.
I agree. I fed it several times, but it declined throughout the day. It did start to break down and whither away so I tossed it. I didn't want it to pollute my tiny tank.