Mixed reef keepers parameters


New member
Just a quick shout to those that keep a mixed reef (softies,lps,sps). What do you guys keep your water parameters at? Im at:

Calc: 450

Alk: 8.5

Mag: 1450-1500

Temp: 80~81

Low phos & nitrates

Dose Brs 3 part

When waters starts getting dirty, my softies love it. After WC and GFO/carbon replacement my sps look great.

Just curious where you guys are at, and any tips to a happy balance.
There are already numerous threads on this topic with tons of posts - would be easier for you to read through and/or bump one of those using the search tool.
those are fine parameters keep them there. if you carbon dose just drop the alk to 7.5-8.0. stability is the key, don't go to 12dkh and think its better, or tinker too muxh or chase specific calcium or ph levels. dont even look at ph unless you are running a calcium reactor.

Mixed reef is a very delicate balance when you have sps as part of the mixed reef. I've found that when I replace gfo in my mixed reef, the sps tend to do better while my znps close up and don't look all that great. It almost seems like the znps prefer to have a bit of phos in the water.

To be honest, the only thing I wouldn't do is worry about nitrate levels if yours are at less than 10ppm. Even as high as 20ppm is good. When you get to zero nitrates, your sps will suffer if you don't start dosing aminos. ULNS (ultra low nutrient systems) are extremely finicky.
Seems as if the only number I'm chasing is alk. Which is fine I guess. I don't really check nitrates that often, unless the tank glass starts getting covered. At that point I'll trim the cheato muff, baste rocks, and change filter socks quicker and everything falls back in line.

DD I'm with you on the gfo, my zoas don't close up after a change, but don't look as good. I add some marine snow here and there too.

DB I've done some searching, not trying to reinvent the wheel, hoping to spark some conversations and talk/interact with this group.
Thanks for the replies. Not sure where I want to eventually go with the tank, I'm enjoying having all the corals currently. Never thought I could actually grow and get good color on sps. Just looking to keep a good balance.