Moving over livestock???


Will moving over my entire livestock to my new aquarium be problematic? I could move over few pieces at a time but I just don't have the equipment at the moment to run 2 separate tanks...just wanted to hear people's opinions...

thank you
Last transfer i did from a 29g to a 75g, i used all new sand and reused my old rock and i didn't end up with a cycle. maybe you might have the same luck?
I used new rock but I cycled them in a bucket until my current tank was up and running. I don't plan on transferring anything until next week but didn't know how it would affect the new tank adding the corals.
I transfered a 40 breeder to a 75 and two years later the 75 to 125 with no issues. The key for me was to have extra saltwater on hand and to NOT disturb the sand bed while taking things out of the old tank (i used new sand). Wiz.
I also used new sand and existing LR. My rbtas and a few corals did stress out but they recovered/are recovering. Just try to match parameters as best as you can.
+1 everyone...what I did was placed all my rocks, water and critters in two storage bins with a heater and a powerhead, from the first tank, and then transferred everything over to the next. I did it this way because I had to place the new tank in the old tanks location.