mp-10 placement


New member
I have a 75gallon mixed ...standard 4ft reef ready. All Softies and LPS ....I bought a used mp-10 (blue controller) and love it. I have it 5 inches below the water surface on the side opposite the overflow (reef ready) i bought another mp-10 (blue controller) I am out of money so please don't tell me you prefer Mp-40s or upgrade to the wireless and run slave mode......I run reef crest at 100 percent ....what is the best placement for the second pump .
That looks like a cool idea. I will try it first. If it doesn't work because my tank doesn't have the depth of a 90 I wonder if I can put them on opposite ends. If so what program?
I cant run them master/slave yet
Place opposite of each other, same height, run both in lagoon random about 50-75%. Your corals will love you. Reef crest is just too violent and spends too much time in a very low flow rpm, lagoon mode is a more gentle rpm change, enough to be random, but maintain good flow all day long.