MP40 questions


New member
I made the investment and bought 2 MP40's for my 150. My question is this does anyone use all the different settings? I just seem to leave it alone on 1 setting. The effects on the corals and growth is impressive I just do not see a reason to be changing the modes. Why would you want a wave splashing etc?
I made the investment and bought 2 MP40's for my 150. My question is this does anyone use all the different settings? I just seem to leave it alone on 1 setting. The effects on the corals and growth is impressive I just do not see a reason to be changing the modes. Why would you want a wave splashing etc?

I change mine often just to keep the tank on it's toes. I use nutrient mode to help clean the tank a couple times a week. The tank is usually on Reefcrest and Tidal Swell modes usually though.
I have it on Lagoon mode..WHy I do not know. THanks for the fast response. I will try the nutrient transfer mode and see the effect.
I agree with Walt (and stole his schedule). I now do nutrient transport mode all day before my water change and am on reef crest or tidal swell most of the other time.

you should youtube some of the effects it can do though. It's mostly just cool, but a lot of these animals we keep come from very active and dynamic shallow areas, so variety must be good for them. Some people leave them on pulse so that a standing wave establishes in the tank. I'm sure there is some pro-critter science with that, but wavy stuff looks awesome with a standing wave moving through it. ANYTHING is better than just plain laminar constant flow. Without variety everything would grow in the same direction and look really unnatural.
I have tried everything I was just wondering if people changed it and how often. The wave is very cool but it seems as though it would be serious wear and tear on the MP40 and the tank itself. Any thoughts?
I really dig the waves! I like rocking motion that my Tunze Wavebox (video) provides, though the circulation of the MP40 seems to be better. Right now I'm rocking both, though I'm not sure I want to use both permanently.
For those of us with only 1 mp40, reefcrest is lame without the 2nd pump...with a single pump i just leave it on NTM