Mushrooms on zoa rock?

Joe Lydon

New member
Not sure what these are exactly. I have tried description in google search and come up with nothing. There are quite a few throughout the rock and the zoas don't seem to mind them.

It's dead center in the photo, purplish with aqua stripe specks. Has a mouth in the middle.. There is another to the left, a little bit different in color.

I don't think it's a majano. I will try and get a better photo later. I just snapped that with my phone, hoping someone may see it and notice a familiarity (even with the poor quality!). Thanks!
Before I get all bent out of shape over this, I will get some detailed macro shots when I get home. I know it's my fault for not being educated enough to identify a pest, aside from the fact I didn't even notice them under the intense actinics. Even if I had noticed them, I probably would not have suspected a pest coming from a place held in high regard. If I bought it from petco, I wouldn't be upset in the slightest. Again, I will get crystal clear photos in a few hours.
You can't lay the blame on the place you got it from, their stock comes from the same place everyone else's stock comes from. You can't expect a place to go over every coral with a fine tooth comb. It's a small pest, you found it early, you take care of it, and the problem is over.
I disagree. Like I said, I would expect something like this from Petco. Not from a place claiming to be high line, educated and trustworthy. I don't see it as acceptable to introduce newcommers into a hobby by selling them livestock that is clearly going to be problematic. What if I didn't ask for ID? What of I assumed they were "safe" and let them infest my tank? If I owned such a "great" place, I know I sure wouldn't sell problems for a profit. Would you sell a rock the size of your fist with 10-12 majano on it, to turn a buck? LFS of this nature carry the responsibility of creating a good experience for people new to the hobby.
I disagree. Like I said, I would expect something like this from Petco. Not from a place claiming to be high line, educated and trustworthy. I don't see it as acceptable to introduce newcommers into a hobby by selling them livestock that is clearly going to be problematic. What if I didn't ask for ID? What of I assumed they were "safe" and let them infest my tank? If I owned such a "great" place, I know I sure wouldn't sell problems for a profit. Would you sell a rock the size of your fist with 10-12 majano on it, to turn a buck? LFS of this nature carry the responsibility of creating a good experience for people new to the hobby.

Then just take the coral back and don't shop there anymore. Easy solution.
No returns. It's not about the money. I've wasted more on less.. I will nuke the majano. It's principal.

I used to breed snakes. I've sold litters of boas for $25,000.00. This situation would be similar to me selling a snake with an underlying resperatory infection, or mites to a new hobbiest. It is MY responsibility to sell a healthy animal, regardless of the buyer's experience.
Ok, I think there is confusion on what is being identified... At least there is to me...
Joe said mushrooms.

View attachment 10965

Joe said "purplish with aqua stripe specks". He seems to be describing number 2, not the majano which is number 1. I think he was refering to numbers 2 and 3 in the post. Which seem to be mushrooms, just different kinds. There are also others like 5, which looks the same as 2. And 4 which could be a mushroom or an lps like acan, hard to tell. It could just be another mushroom and the picture made it look like it has an inner mouth.
However, there is a majano in the picture, which is number 1. I think everyone looked at it first, but these werent the ID help.

I dont want good mushrooms to be killed. They look pretty nice....
I know my acros and not softies/lps, but 3 looks like a really nice mushroom to me...We sold these tricolor mushrooms around 10-20 each at MCF.
The majano needs to die, but definitely not the mushrooms. The mushrooms are the nicest things on that rock.
Ok, I think there is confusion on what is being identified... At least there is to me...
Joe said mushrooms.

View attachment 10965

Joe said "purplish with aqua stripe specks". He seems to be describing number 2, not the majano which is number 1. I think he was refering to numbers 2 and 3 in the post. Which seem to be mushrooms, just different kinds. There are also others like 5, which looks the same as 2. And 4 which could be a mushroom or an lps like acan, hard to tell. It could just be another mushroom and the picture made it look like it has an inner mouth.
However, there is a majano in the picture, which is number 1. I think everyone looked at it first, but these werent the ID help.

I dont want good mushrooms to be killed. They look pretty nice....
I know my acros and not softies/lps, but 3 looks like a really nice mushroom to me...We sold these tricolor mushrooms around 10-20 each at MCF.

Thanks, Greg! I wish I could have drawn up the diagram. The number 1 is actually a green polyp type coral, I will get better pictures of that later. This was my whole reasoning for wanting better pictures later, I assumed everyone knew what I was asking about with my description, but I wanted to be sure. After so many were sure it was majano, I became convinced it was so. Thank you so much for clearing this up!
Yah, the number 1 polyp type coral is what people were likely reffering to as the majano pest anemone.
It does need to die.

Since it does look like a zoa when closed up, many stores just look over them because its almost impossible to tell the difference when closed up. By the time it goes into the selling tank, it will be sold in a few days and they will never get the chance to see it and kill it (assuming they would if they found it). It is very difficult to catch every majano that sneaks in on a zoa combo (multiple corals) rock.
Luckily, like aptasia, they are very easy to kill.
Yah, the number 1 polyp type coral is what people were likely reffering to as the majano pest anemone.
It does need to die.

Since it does look like a zoa when closed up, many stores just look over them because its almost impossible to tell the difference when closed up. By the time it goes into the selling tank, it will be sold in a few days and they will never get the chance to see it and kill it (assuming they would if they found it). It is very difficult to catch every majano that sneaks in on a zoa combo (multiple corals) rock.
Luckily, like aptasia, they are very easy to kill.

How ironic is that! I'm asking for ID on the mushroom, not even realizing the "green polyp thing" I was paying no mind to, is in fact the pest! The funny part is, there are a few of them... and they are the reason my kids picked out the rock! "Lets get that rock, it has those cool green frilly polyps!"... Sooo.. Injections it is.

"Green Polyp"

The original thing I was asking ID for...

Thanks again, Everyone!
I have a mushroom like that. Not as many of stripes as yours though. I think the name was mint chocolate chip. Something like that. Dark maroon discosoma with teal stripes.

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Your "Green Polyp" is still a Mojano anemone like several people told you. Take care of it before it becomes a problem