My 29g Coralife Biocube

It really is. It's about 12" long, 10" wide, and 4"tall. Where if is now, I can't even clean the bottom front of the tank, that's why there is a coraline algae build up in the middle there.
Oh yea, he loves that Duncan. You put your hand anywhere near it, watch out. He bites hard. He has definitely drawn blood from me before.
Very nice Monti. Strange, but they look nicer in smaller tanks.
How do you keep the sand so clean? I take it the tank is very resistant to green algae.
Here was the latest photo View attachment 24997

And now...nothing. Tank completely crashed. Went on vacation, ac went out, and when I got back, the tank was 96 degrees, and everything was completely fryed. Not sure how my clown fish and neon Dotty survived, however nothing else did. I completely emptied the tank, and rebuilt it, so it's cycling now, however years of coral growth and thousands of dollars sad. If anybody has any overgrowing corals, or would like to get rid of anything, please let me know. I would love to rebuild this tank slowly, but with a new house and a second baby, I have no money to do so.