raul_vvr New member Jan 12, 2015 #1 Hello everyone. This has been my tank for a couple of years. Have reef octopus 110 skimmer. Diy led Dual BRS reactors Please let me know what you think. I am thinking of building a new stand to make more room in the bottom Wife loves it but hates it
Hello everyone. This has been my tank for a couple of years. Have reef octopus 110 skimmer. Diy led Dual BRS reactors Please let me know what you think. I am thinking of building a new stand to make more room in the bottom Wife loves it but hates it
jrpark22000 Premium member Jan 13, 2015 #2 Nice looking 40 and that is a pretty big carpet nem you've got. How's the aggression with the domino and yellow tang?
Nice looking 40 and that is a pretty big carpet nem you've got. How's the aggression with the domino and yellow tang?
raul_vvr New member Jan 13, 2015 #3 Thanks. Domino and yellow get along very well. Domino is a bit aggressive towards the cardinal at night only. The yellow tang always seems to brake up a fight he swims in between 2 any fish that start trouble and shows his fins its funny
Thanks. Domino and yellow get along very well. Domino is a bit aggressive towards the cardinal at night only. The yellow tang always seems to brake up a fight he swims in between 2 any fish that start trouble and shows his fins its funny
raul_vvr New member Jan 13, 2015 #4 The carpet is bigger then that pic he isn't fully inflated I took that pick at night.