My 90G


The tank has been up and running for about 6 weeks.

Equipment List:
Tank- 90 gallon with single overflow
Lights- 2 EcoTech Radion's
Sump- Eshopps R200
Skimmer- ASM G2
Return Pump- MagDrive 9.5
Flow- 2 Korallia Evolution 1400's
Heater- Fluval 200 and Stealth 250
ATO- JBJ ATO with Aqua Lifter Pump from a 5 gallon reservoir
Reactors- 2 TLF reactors one with GAC and other is GFO
RODI- Air water Ice Typhoon stage 5

Stock List: Need help on this.
Yellow eye kole tank
2 clown fish
Nice. But do you have enough space to clean the sides? looks like the rocks are too close to the side glass. Unless you don't plan on cleaning the sides.
Good start.I like your aquascape,but agree with a post above ,unless you don't plan on keeping the sides clean.What are you planing on keeping as far as corals? Think about this first and then come up with stocking fish compatible with them.
Jason, it looks like you have all the equipment you need to have success with a reef tank. If you don't have test kits I recommend picking up all the basics and Calcium, Alk, and Mag. You will need them for monitoring water conditions for delicate SPS. Just remember to add fish slowly and give the your mini ecosystem time to stabilize (this is easier said than done but I believe its extremely important). In regards to stocking add your shy/peaceful fish first to give them proper time to acclimate to their new surroundings and become accustomed to the routine. This can take months for some fish. The Kole Tang is a beautiful fish, great for a 90 gal setup, should be your only tang, and probably your last fish. Finally, I recommend gobies (wheelers & randall's) are my favorite. Good luck!
Jason, it looks like you have all the equipment you need to have success with a reef tank. If you don't have test kits I recommend picking up all the basics and Calcium, Alk, and Mag. You will need them for monitoring water conditions for delicate SPS. Just remember to add fish slowly and give the your mini ecosystem time to stabilize (this is easier said than done but I believe its extremely important). In regards to stocking add your shy/peaceful fish first to give them proper time to acclimate to their new surroundings and become accustomed to the routine. This can take months for some fish. The Kole Tang is a beautiful fish, great for a 90 gal setup, should be your only tang, and probably your last fish. Finally, I recommend gobies (wheelers & randall's) are my favorite. Good luck!

Thanks, I have all the Salifert test kits.