my bros tank


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So i got my bro into this dam hobby while back he ended up getting a 120g acrylic for a steal so when he moved i went and set up for him . I ended up giving him bunch of corals i didnt want no more mainly softies and candy canes . Well hes not on top of his w/c very often and i usually go there and can barely see in his tank lol. Still live him though. Any way i havent seen his tank in months and i went to babysit two of his kids while they took 3rd to dr. And i look in his tank and holey chit the corals took off lol it was like a jungle. Im not sure on his w/c schedule but guessing very minimal and i know he uses tap. But check out the tank . It looks good actually needs a little front glass cleaning but not bad.
He has some i know i gave him blue hornets eagle eyes and bam bams and i believe he bought some too. I gotta get better look at it next time