My Dank 34g Red Sea (fully stocked)


Heres my 4 month old 34g Red Sea Max.All the rock and sand come from my 75g I took apart,as does most of the coral.Its been an uphill battle since my tank almost crashed about a month in.After using No3pO4X ,some carbon and monitoring alk and Ph,things are looking better . I had a huge amount of algea covering the rocks and glass,lost some coral but slowly the tank has stabilized.Ive increased flow , kept up with top offs and water changes.Tank is still a work in progress, but as far as livestock , its as much as it can handle.The fish all do their park to keep my tank in harmony, zero agression, pests at bay, and scape clean of algeas (for the most part)


Blue Devil damsel (first fish I ever bought)
The piggy of the tank

Pink Spotted Goby (From Fish Planet)
Sifts sand ,keepts it nice and white

6 Line Wrasse (From New Fish)
Keeps flatworms and bristleworms away.

Baby Hippo (From 7 Seas Aquatic )
The baby , hates the tang police.

2 emerald crabs

3 blue legged hermits

6 sand sifting snails

I have various coral
Sps and Lps .
Shrooms are taking off and sps have growth rims like crazy.I run phosphate remover media bags,stock skimmer,one Jebao Rw for amazing flow, and a ReefBreeders full spectrum led.
Since i have several larger colonies of sps in this small tank,I dose with mag,cal and used Reef buffer along with Red Sea No3Po4x for nitrates and phosphates my fishies create.

Some pics under different settings in my lighting.
Whites only, moon lights, heavy actinics, dawn.

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Thank you!

The problem was that my cleaner snail kept knockng things over but got him a new home.
I actually have a few more things, gonna update later !
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Lol jesus ! you think you got enough in there! haha jk looks awesome where did you get those huhe colonies?

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Lol jesus ! you think you got enough in there! haha jk looks awesome where did you get those huhe colonies?

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Honestly,I cant fit a single zoa in there anymore lol.

Some colonies i got from awsome people on here ,but I buy alot from Reefgeeks.