My first attempt at a saltwater tank. Aqueon 65g with a DIY 29g sump.


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Finished the initial cycle around New Years. Started adding cleanup crew and fish. Everything was going great until the ATO malfunctioned while I was out of town and caused the salinity to nose dive. The fish all lived but lost some hermit crabs and a couple of other inverts. This was followed by a bad green hair algae bloom, but it is coming under control now. A couple of more water changes should get the phosphate back down to near zero. A picture of the tank when it was new and another from last weekend.View attachment 24490View attachment 24491
Glad to hear you’re getting it under control. Do you mind me asking what brand ATO malfunctioned, and what malfunctioned?
Actually it was the reservoir that leaked, and as my wife tried to swap it out with a brute can, she pulled on the pump wire which dislodged the controller from where I had it tucked in, allowing to drop into the sump and fry it.