My fish killed himself


Active member
I had one yellow watchman in my tank..he jumped out this morning, I put him back, covered the open lid then went out. I came home this afternoon I tried to find him but didn't see him in the tank, I look around and found him on the floor he was feel so bad..I couldn't find my firefish..he disappear for a couple days...
I'm cryinggggggg..hope he is still alive...
so sadddddd...
check around the tank on the floor, firefish are notorious for jumping out of tanks. I would also check if there are any stray electric currents in the tank that made the fish/fishes jump out. Have you ever felt a mild zap when your hand is in the tank? That's odd because Yellow watchman's usually just like to hang out on the sandbed, or in a cave, so jumping out is weird.
I looked around the tank, on the floor, run my fingers around the rock..counldn't find him.
other fish are doing fine...I don't know if the lawnmover blenny bother him...after i added the lawnmover in the tank..then he started jumping around...
about fire fish..I have no idea...
Sorry to hear about your loss. Firefish are jumpers; found mine on the floor in the morning one day. My fish seemed to be getting along too. I hope you find yours but if you don't, it might be bc your cuc took care of him. :(
Hope this helps ;)

AC activated carbon, chemical filtration media / alternating current
AFM Aquarium Fish Monthly, magazine
AGA All-Glass Aquarium, Aquarium manufacturer
AL Aqualink, aquarium bulletin board
ATS Algae turf scrubber, reef setup technique
BOD Biological oxygen demand
CC Counter current, type of protein skimmer
CSL Custom Sea Life, lighting manufacturer
CTA Cellulose triacetate, type of RO membrane
CUC - Clean Up Crew
Cyano Cyanobacteria
DC Direct current
DD Downdraft, type of protein skimmer
DI (De Ionisation (filters)
DI Deionisation, type of water purification
DIY Do it yourself
DKH Degrees of carbonate hardness
DSB - Deep Sand Bed
DSB Deep Sand Bed
FAMA Freshwater and Marine Aquaria, magazine
FFE Flying Fish Express, Mail Order Company
FO - Fish Only
FO Fish only
FOWLR - Fish Only With live rock
FOWLR Fish only with live rock
FW - FreshWater
FW Freshwater
GBR Great Barrier Reef
GPH Gallons per hour
GSP- Green star polyps
HO High output fluorescent light
HQI Mercury (Hg) Quartz Iodide, a type of metal halide lamp
IA Inland Aquatics, mail order company
IMHO In My Humble Opinion
IMO In My Opinion
IO Instant Ocean, brand of aquarium salt
IR Infrared
Kalk kalkwasser, German for calcium hydroxide solution or limewater
LFS - Local Fish Store
LFS Local fish store
LHS Local hardware store
LPS - Large polyped Scleractinian (stoney coral)
LPS Large polyped Scleractinian (stoney) coral
LR - Live Rock
LR Live rock
LS live sand
MACNA Marine Aquaria Conference of North America, held annually
MASNA Marine Aquarium Societies of North America
MD Marine Depot, mail order company
MH - Metal Halide (lamps)
MH Metal halide light
MJ Maxijet, powerhead manufacturer
MM Miracle Mud, method of aquarium filtration
MO Mail order
MTS Multiple tank syndrome
NO - Normal Output ((fluorescent lights)
NO Normal output fluorescent light
NSW Natural seawater
P/I - Photosynthesis/Irradiance
PA Premium Aquatics, mail order company
PC - Power Compact (fluorescent lamps)
PC Power compact fluorescent light
pH Powerhead, water pump
PM - Private Message (Seen in the buy/sell forums)
PVC Poly vinyl chloride, used for piping / plumbing
RC Reef Crystals, brand of aquarium salt
RDO ("reefs-dot-org"), aquarium bulletin board
RDSB - Remote Deep Sand Bed
RK Reef Keeping, on-line aquarium magazine
RO - reverse osmosis (filters)
RO Reverse osmosis, type of water purification
RO/DI Reverse osmosis, followed by deionisation, type of water purification
RR Reef ready, aquaria with pre-drilled holes and overflows
RTN Rapid tissue necrosis, protozoal infection of corals; can be rapidly fatal if not treated
SG specific gravity
SPS - Small polyped Scleractinian (stoney coral)
SPS Small polyped Scleractinian (stoney) coral
SW - SaltWater
SW Saltwater / seawater
TBS Tampa Bay Saltwater, Mail Order Company
TFC Thin film composite, type of RO membrane
TRT The Reef Tank, aquarium bulletin board
TWP Tap Water Purifier from Aquatic Pharmaceuticals
UGF Undergravel filter
UV - Ultra Violet (you should know this already)
UV Ultra violet light
VHO - Very High Output (fluorescent lamps)
VHO Very high output fluorescent light
W/D Wet-dry (a method of aquarium filtration)
W/gal - Watts per Gallon
WD-Wet-dry (a method of aquarium filtration)
WYSIWYG- What you see is what you get (coral pictured is actual coral for sale)
BTA- Bubble Tip Anemone
RBTA- Red Bubble Tip Anemone
DOA- Dead on Arrival
BB- Barebottom (no crushed coral on bottom of tank)
Hope this helps ;)

AC activated carbon, chemical filtration media / alternating current
AFM Aquarium Fish Monthly, magazine
AGA All-Glass Aquarium, Aquarium manufacturer
AL Aqualink, aquarium bulletin board
ATS Algae turf scrubber, reef setup technique
BOD Biological oxygen demand
CC Counter current, type of protein skimmer
CSL Custom Sea Life, lighting manufacturer
CTA Cellulose triacetate, type of RO membrane
CUC - Clean Up Crew
Cyano Cyanobacteria
DC Direct current
DD Downdraft, type of protein skimmer
DI (De Ionisation (filters)
DI Deionisation, type of water purification
DIY Do it yourself
DKH Degrees of carbonate hardness
DSB - Deep Sand Bed
DSB Deep Sand Bed
FAMA Freshwater and Marine Aquaria, magazine
FFE Flying Fish Express, Mail Order Company
FO - Fish Only
FO Fish only
FOWLR - Fish Only With live rock
FOWLR Fish only with live rock
FW - FreshWater
FW Freshwater
GBR Great Barrier Reef
GPH Gallons per hour
GSP- Green star polyps
HO High output fluorescent light
HQI Mercury (Hg) Quartz Iodide, a type of metal halide lamp
IA Inland Aquatics, mail order company
IMHO In My Humble Opinion
IMO In My Opinion
IO Instant Ocean, brand of aquarium salt
IR Infrared
Kalk kalkwasser, German for calcium hydroxide solution or limewater
LFS - Local Fish Store
LFS Local fish store
LHS Local hardware store
LPS - Large polyped Scleractinian (stoney coral)
LPS Large polyped Scleractinian (stoney) coral
LR - Live Rock
LR Live rock
LS live sand
MACNA Marine Aquaria Conference of North America, held annually
MASNA Marine Aquarium Societies of North America
MD Marine Depot, mail order company
MH - Metal Halide (lamps)
MH Metal halide light
MJ Maxijet, powerhead manufacturer
MM Miracle Mud, method of aquarium filtration
MO Mail order
MTS Multiple tank syndrome
NO - Normal Output ((fluorescent lights)
NO Normal output fluorescent light
NSW Natural seawater
P/I - Photosynthesis/Irradiance
PA Premium Aquatics, mail order company
PC - Power Compact (fluorescent lamps)
PC Power compact fluorescent light
pH Powerhead, water pump
PM - Private Message (Seen in the buy/sell forums)
PVC Poly vinyl chloride, used for piping / plumbing
RC Reef Crystals, brand of aquarium salt
RDO ("reefs-dot-org"), aquarium bulletin board
RDSB - Remote Deep Sand Bed
RK Reef Keeping, on-line aquarium magazine
RO - reverse osmosis (filters)
RO Reverse osmosis, type of water purification
RO/DI Reverse osmosis, followed by deionisation, type of water purification
RR Reef ready, aquaria with pre-drilled holes and overflows
RTN Rapid tissue necrosis, protozoal infection of corals; can be rapidly fatal if not treated
SG specific gravity
SPS - Small polyped Scleractinian (stoney coral)
SPS Small polyped Scleractinian (stoney) coral
SW - SaltWater
SW Saltwater / seawater
TBS Tampa Bay Saltwater, Mail Order Company
TFC Thin film composite, type of RO membrane
TRT The Reef Tank, aquarium bulletin board
TWP Tap Water Purifier from Aquatic Pharmaceuticals
UGF Undergravel filter
UV - Ultra Violet (you should know this already)
UV Ultra violet light
VHO - Very High Output (fluorescent lamps)
VHO Very high output fluorescent light
W/D Wet-dry (a method of aquarium filtration)
W/gal - Watts per Gallon
WD-Wet-dry (a method of aquarium filtration)
WYSIWYG- What you see is what you get (coral pictured is actual coral for sale)
BTA- Bubble Tip Anemone
RBTA- Red Bubble Tip Anemone
DOA- Dead on Arrival
BB- Barebottom (no crushed coral on bottom of tank)

Nice Eric! I think I'm going to save a copy for myself. :)
Is there anyway to make like a thread on your post Eric. It would be a good idea to have that seperately just in case I would say.
We lost a couple of firefish within a few days of each other. We suspected either the CBS (When I bought him, he had 1 arm and was tiny) or the 6 inch eunicid worm we pulled out of the tank. Neither of them is with us any longer. The eunicid worm failed to cooperate and leave peacefully. The firefish slept in the open so it could have been either of them.
We lost a couple of firefish within a few days of each other. We suspected either the CBS (When I bought him, he had 1 arm and was tiny) or the 6 inch eunicid worm we pulled out of the tank. Neither of them is with us any longer. The eunicid worm failed to cooperate and leave peacefully. The firefish slept in the open so it could have been either of them.

Those Coral Banded Shrimp can be brutal killers!!
yeah. When I saw him eating my peppermint shrimp, I decided he needed a larger space. We took him to MCF and re-homed him. I kinda miss him, tho. His name was Floyd.