My me haddoni


I meant "new"
Not me lol

Just priced it up from aqua pros
It's enormous and highliter green
Not open yet I just put him in

This was the pic when he was at aqua pros
Careful, haddoni have been know to eat their clowns from time to time.

Care level IMO is very similar to RBTA, however the haddoni appreciate a deep sand bed to bury their foot in, usually find the corner of a tank, or hug up under a rock that touches the glass. Feed occasionally, and provide adequate light and proper water conditions.

Good luck with it!
Careful, haddoni have been know to eat their clowns from time to time.

Care level IMO is very similar to RBTA, however the haddoni appreciate a deep sand bed to bury their foot in, usually find the corner of a tank, or hug up under a rock that touches the glass. Feed occasionally, and provide adequate light and proper water conditions.

Good luck with it!

Great hopefully I won't find a clown missing
There were Clarkies hosting it at aqua pros
One of them had some balls to it was going into its mouth
I have a dsb but it did attach to the back glass and rock hopefully it will stay there
Lighting is led's so should be good all my corals are growing good