My new mantis shrimp!

meybe......haha yes yes it did! I was supposed to be getting a small N. wennerae they had in, but he croaked on my way there so i went anyway and found this guy! Folks at that store amazed me with their kindness, definitely hope to see if they can get me another mantis when i have all my tanks up!
I love the color but those things freak me out. They remind me of cockroaches and waterbugs. They give me the eebee jeebees.

Hate to say it but I agree with u Walt!! Nonetheless very exciting. Wait till funlad3 sees this. That kid loves mantis shrimp for some reason
Haha thanks all! And yeah when I brought her home from Aquascape Chicago down in Channahon, my sister and brother thought the same exact thing...water cockroach. But not me! Im a nut for stomatopods and this is just the tip of the iceburg! She will have her own 20g to her self soon enough or possibly a split 40g breeder so in the other 20g section i can find a P. ciliata or a G. graphurus.

As far as availability, you could probably call Aquascape chicago or look them up in facebook and see when they will get more in, in fact i had asked right before they were going to place an order for their open house and they actualy got me a different species all together. A little N. wennerae, but he died of a bad molt when i was almost down there so i walked out with my current G. ternatensis.

I would highly suggest against getting a G. ternatensis if you know that's what species it is ahead of time, since they are found in hollowed out compartments of coral head on reefs and to collect them, killing the coral to get the mantis is immanent. I didnt know it was an G. ternatensis so hence why i went along and got her.
I know! And also the fact that he has alot more....out of the loop fish and inverts that you usually dont see is another cool factor!