My Recent Purchases ~~ Yellow Tang & Zoa Powder Marin Fauna Review

infinite abyss

New member
Hey again all.

Just wanted to review some recent purchases & maybe get some helpful opinions or thoughts going.

Yellow Tang
-Like this fish a lot. Seems like a hardy fish that will stay alive. Last fish was a yellow coris wrasse that had jumped in sand bed and never came back out; so the tang was a nice replacement. I now have 2 clownfish, 1 bangaii, a yellow tang, and a mandarin goby in my 65 gallon. All peaceful and great fish.

Pros: Seems like a hardy fish, and eats algae! Has been chomping away at my glass, rocks, frag disks, anywhere it saw algae I guess. Great looking fish.

Marin Zoa Powder

-After witnessing good results at a friends place, I decided to order. So far, I've seen fair reactions from both palys and zoas. I'm going to continue to use it on my zoas/palys and will update on noticeable effects on zoas and palys. Reactions from palys was VERY NOTICEABLE. They definetely were eating.

Pros: I've seen zoas(not just palys) react to Marin Fauna, but I've only used it once so I'll test out a few more times and note any changes in reaction.

If you have any reviews on this zoa powder results on z's and p's/ other corals it would be great to hear.
Nice! you bought the zoa powder lol. I have been very lazy with feeding my zoas/palys lately and just recently started picking up the feedings so I can't comment on long term results from it yet but zoas/palys do respond to it well, at least better then reef chilli and azox did for me. I have had better results feeding my corals at night once the main lights have been off for an hr or 2 and moon lights are on. All the polyps come out of the sps too so everything gets to eat including the zoas at night.

Yellow tangs and tangs in general are great for eating algae. They don't eat hair or bubble ime but they eat the smaller stuff that grows on the rocks. imo/ime, yellow eye kole tang does a better job with eating algae then a yellow tang and they don't get as big as yellow tangs.
How do you feed the zoos at night ? Mine are usually closed . Do they come out when you feed?

My moon lights stay on till about 3am. All my lights turn off at 10pm. You need the moonlights on if you have them otherwise they will close up for the night.