My reef tank


New member
My name is Josh and this is my reef tank thats still in progress...
I would like to send a huge thanks to yogoshio "Ben" for helping me with the additional equipment needed to get this tank somewhat maintenance free, and for answering all of my questions!

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Thanks! Just need to add a few more pieces of live rock on the right side to help spread things out a little bit more. LOL
Workin on finishing my FOWLR tank this weekend. Just hope the fish I want come in :)
40gal corner tank, Fluval 206 canister, Aqueon sump with refugium, Eshopps overflow, Seaclone skimmer, and a Bubble Magus doser.
AquaticLife T5HO light
35-40lbs +- live rock - still need a little more though :)
40lbs Aragonite sand - didn't go with live sand (some people said its not really worth it, and others said its good to use, so I just went on my own judgment and seems to be doing great!)
I'm actually looking for another good size (90gal maybe) for the other corner of the wall and I'll make that a FOWLR one so I can have other fish options :)