My sons first tank


Thanks to tinman, my son got to but his first fish tank. It's a 10 gallon tank with a clarkii and a purple fire fish. He has a chocolate chip star fish, crabs and snails. There is live rock and sand in it. Hopefully he takes care of this tank so he can take my 75 gallon and I can get the 300 gallon I want!!!!! Oh yes my son just turned 7 and loves helping me with my tank.

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That's awesome. What got me into tanks was my dad having a huge fw tank when I was little. I vaguely remember it but at 17 I got my first 55g piranha tank. Then at 23 got a 100g fw tank now at 24 I have a 30g sw. Start em young!
That's great my 12yr old loved to help me with my tank. So a few weeks ago I got him his own 40 breeder and he loves it.
Great,I hope he sticks with is and it become his lifetime hobby.I hope my son one day will have his own little tank when he is 7.:yes4: