Myscarlet skunk cleaner shrimp..


I got it REALLY small, and everything was going great. Last night he was acting completely normal..
Today he's being lethargic and sluggish. He's usually CONSTANTLY moving his arms and looks like he's dancing.. Today he's not.

IS HE DYING? Maybe molting? :\
Please help me.
Everything else is doing beyond wonderful.
Maybe he just partied too much last night? I wouldn't worry about it too much yet, just keep an eye on him. I know you guys are taking good care of your tanks over there. If in doubt, you could always have your water tested just to be sure nothing is out of range.
Maybe he just partied too much last night? I wouldn't worry about it too much yet, just keep an eye on him. I know you guys are taking good care of your tanks over there. If in doubt, you could always have your water tested just to be sure nothing is out of range.

I'll continue to check up on him throughout the day, and when Brandon gets home from work, or when we get back from our adventure I'll have him test my water - just to be safe. But the shrimp is the only one being a weirdo.
He died. My new one from MCF is growing like a weed though. Love him. He's a creep, always trying to touch on everyone.

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HA!! That's what he's supposed to do!! My fish love mine, but I need to unload him soon. He's outgrown my size preference.
Let me know when you decide to unload him, I can always use another shrimp. Thanks.

He's a big guy and always cleaning my fish. I'm going to let him go for $15 and get another tiny one from Reefwise. My clowns are also on their way out, as is my largest male Anthias.