Mystery of the missing bubble tip


New member
SO .....after 9 days of vacation and leaving a perfectly running tank in the care of a trusted family member....the anenome has disappeared. No trace no floatsom no parts no remnants no trace. It would expand to 3 to 4 inches at the foot with a healthy 6 to 7 inch plume of tentacles. Not between the rocks ....any one else have species go missing like this I would like to know.
Seen it happen before u not first . Never figured out why or where they just mive hide and die . Did have few pop back up after few weeks or your buddy stole it ool
Sometimes nems do walk to under rocks and into completely dark areas and slowly shrivel and die. .. Happens
Had five disappeared on me my buddie never turn my white lights on just blue. Never seen them again : ( . Hopefully your come back.