Need Help with Zoa/Paly Garden


New member
Hello I'm still new to saltwater fish keeping and I currently own a 28 gal jbj nano cube. I want to turn this into a very colorful zoa/Paly garden with a few mushroom and any other coral that would be compatible with the fish I currently own. The current tank inhabitants are 1 pair of clown fish, 1 white ray yasha goby paired with a red banded pistol shrimp, a Helfriechi fire fish, and normal clean up crew with various hermits and snails and cleaner shrimp. I plan on adding a yellow tail damsel or some type of Blenny as a last fish for the tank(also taking suggestions of any compatible and colorful fish I could add). Can anyone suggest some easy to keep yet colorful and fairly cheap coral I can get? Pictures would be awesome if you can get them. Thank you!
So a clown goby is an option. May I ask why a yellow tail damsel isn't suggested? Also as for driving I sadly don't own a car I live in the loop anywhere that I'd be going would need to be accessed by train etc.
As stated Damsels will in most cases get aggressive, specially in a tank of that size. Another thing I noticed is you said you want mushrooms. Mushrooms can become invasive. I would leave them out of the equation and stick to Zs and Ps only tank. The reason I say this is because Zs and Ps can become invasive on their own as well. I Know people that have killed them because they like their SPS alot better and zoas start creeping up on them. Just be careful on your choosing of Zs and Ps because some are plain, colorless and simply ugly and tend to be the ones to be the most invasive ones. One last thing is I see you have a Goby/Shrimp pair. They like to bury and make a mess of sand at times. I don't know where you plan on putting the coral but if your plan was the sand bed it might not be the best idea. Zs and Ps get irritated with sand and sometimes they catch fungus and stuff when this happens or they will just keep on closing up on you. Hope this helps and I am definitely looking forward to seeing some pictures with the tank evolving. If you decide to go Zs and Ps let me know I definitely got what you want! ;)
Okay so damsels and shrooms are out of the question for sure now thanks for that info I had no idea. As for placement of the Palys and Zoas I plan on keeping them on just the live rock. I personally don't like the look of any coral on the sand bed so the goby/shrimp shouldn't have any negative effects on any coral. Currently they have just set up a nice little tunnel at the base of my live rock and stay mainly in that spot all day it's pretty interesting to see the shrimp build little tunnels all day.