Need some fragging help and tips


Well-known member
Was wondering do u guys have any tips on fragging zoas, toadstool leathers and acan frags? Its my first time fragging so im just looking for some advice b4 i start..

zoas and leathers are super easy. for zoas, if you can get a grip on the edge of the mat and just pull sections from the rock, and glue to rubble or frag plugs/discs. Alternately you can cut them off the rock with a clean sharp blade for more precision.

Leathers, you can just cut with a blade or scissors the section you want to frag, and with a needle and thread, LOOSELY attach it to a piece of rubble or plug/disc until it has attached itself to the mount. Or you can just use the ricordea trick with the leathers, putting the cuttings in a container with rubble until it has attached to a piece.

Acans are a little tougher since you are best using a wetsaw, cutting between mouths, not thru them. I would try calling the guys at MCF for the acan, they might be able to help you frag the pieces you need done.
i just use either a scalpel, surgical scissors. You can get a bone cutter scissor or dremmel for the ones with bones.
It's best to cut them outside the tank, on a separate container because they produce alot of mucous after cutting. You should keep them in the tupperwear with the tank water for a few minutes, so you don't get your tank all mucousy.
You can check out youtube or BRS has some videos on fragging demos.
zoas and leathers are super easy. for zoas, if you can get a grip on the edge of the mat and just pull sections from the rock, and glue to rubble or frag plugs/discs. Alternately you can cut them off the rock with a clean sharp blade for more precision.

Leathers, you can just cut with a blade or scissors the section you want to frag, and with a needle and thread, LOOSELY attach it to a piece of rubble or plug/disc until it has attached itself to the mount. Or you can just use the ricordea trick with the leathers, putting the cuttings in a container with rubble until it has attached to a piece.

Acans are a little tougher since you are best using a wetsaw, cutting between mouths, not thru them. I would try calling the guys at MCF for the acan, they might be able to help you frag the pieces you need done.

Sweet.. yeah i have a zoa frag on a plug with like ten heads all spread out.. i can just cut or pull the single zoa and put it in a frag correct..

and for the leather.. i can just cut it anywhere correct.. will the mother colony just regenerate?
i just use either a scalpel, surgical scissors. You can get a bone cutter scissor or dremmel for the ones with bones.
It's best to cut them outside the tank, on a separate container because they produce alot of mucous after cutting. You should keep them in the tupperwear with the tank water for a few minutes, so you don't get your tank all mucousy.
You can check out youtube or BRS has some videos on fragging demos.

thnks.. now i got some use on my extra tupperwear.. after fraggin the zoas and leather can i put them back in the tank or leave them in the tupperwear awhile