zoas and leathers are super easy. for zoas, if you can get a grip on the edge of the mat and just pull sections from the rock, and glue to rubble or frag plugs/discs. Alternately you can cut them off the rock with a clean sharp blade for more precision.
Leathers, you can just cut with a blade or scissors the section you want to frag, and with a needle and thread, LOOSELY attach it to a piece of rubble or plug/disc until it has attached itself to the mount. Or you can just use the ricordea trick with the leathers, putting the cuttings in a container with rubble until it has attached to a piece.
Acans are a little tougher since you are best using a wetsaw, cutting between mouths, not thru them. I would try calling the guys at MCF for the acan, they might be able to help you frag the pieces you need done.