Need yawls input


Well-known member
Hey guys so i've been contemplating on adding my small snowflake picasso clown to my 6g jbj tank.. I currently have him in my 40 breeder at the moment.. Only other inhabitants are a hi fin goby, flame prawn(MIA), pep shrimp, and harlequin shrimp pair and some snails and an anemone.. The tank is a mixed reef with a mainly dominant lps corals.. My parameters are pretty spot on with a weekly 40% water change and i replace the bag of filter floss filter media every week. And i also does a half a cap full of reef fusion calcium.. Do u guys thnk with this fish addition and my weekly water change regiment my tank will do ok or am i pushing my tank a little bit...

Let me knw ur guys inputs..
I kept a pair of clowns in a 5g Fluval Spec V for about 2 months. Doing a 1g water change once a week. I however didn't keep a lot of corals at the time, but everything still went really well.