Need your help on my tank that won't grow


New member

My tank has been the same for a LONG time. Tank running for a year, but I started adding corals over the last few months with no luck. I am not sure if I placed them at the right heights. I am using seachem products reef plus and reef line as supplements. Water changes weekly. I don't know if you can see from the photos the actual coral that I have. Any recommendations? I have been hit with aptasia as well.

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We're going to need a lot more info. Do you have test kits.
Alk, calcium, mag, No3 and Po4.
Post pics of the sump.
where are you getting your water from ? if your buying RO test it with a TDS meter .. I was buying RO from a LFS that killed just about every coral back when and tested at 560 when we finally figured out what was going on ..Good luck on your tank
In addition to the other requests for information on you water parameters, lighting and filtration; what are your pH and temp #'s, what salt mix are you using and what are you using using to generate flow in the tank? What types of corals have you tried?