I will be upgrading my 29 FO to a 55 Fowlr. The 29 has been running for 3 years with no problems. 1 clown 2 blue damsels. I will be using the aquaclear 70 filter and heater from the 29. ( Not reusing 3 year old crushed aragonite) I picked up a used reef octopus bh100 skimmer. I ordered glass tops and a 48 double bright marineland LED from dr foster and smith. (not the greatest light but on sale and tank will only be FOWLR) I ordered 50lbs rock from reef rocks and 40lbs free sand. Will add some live rock to seed. And probably will need a little more sand. I picked up 4 Koralia 750 power heads 2 used 2 new from a member. Don't plan on using all 4 but he sold for a good price. I will be using the water from the 29 plus new water from local fish store. I plan on putting the aquaclear on left side middle. Skimmer on right side middle. Heater in middle. Looking for any suggestions. Or ideas to make the switch go smoothly. And how many and placement of powerheads I should use. I was thinking one on each side of tank. Thanks