Hi all, been lurking a while but never introduced myself. Longtime freshwater keeper but new to the wonderful world of saltwater. I bought a used tank in January - 40g half cylinder-- and bucketed as much of the water and the LR as I could. I only started stocking things about a month ago. I just have a few corals, an RBTA, one clownfish, and a tuxedo urchin. None of the corals are attached, I just set them in there. I discovered to my increasing horror a couple of days ago I have a resident bobbitt worm. I probably saw it before, but in my noobishness just thought, 'wow, that's a big bristle worm'. Anyway, I'm truly terrified of the thing and hoping I can find an experienced reefer to come up and help me. I want to move everything out of the tank into temporary quarters, take it and the rock it lives in out, and BLAST IT WITH A FLAMETHROWER. No, wait, skip that last bit. Not sure what I'm going to do with the unwelcome guest. If anyone wants it, they are welcome to it. After that want to put everything back, hopefully better and more securely than it originally was with. Rough guess thinking this is about 4 hours of work or so. I'm in Mundelein. Please let me know if anyone out there is willing/able to help me!