New Anemone

I've mine for about 8 months. It took over pretty much the complete top of my rock scape. I'm getting ready to upgrade everything is outgrowing my Nano.
I have a purple long tentacle anemone, and I got it last wee. She looks beautiful but I keep having a problem. She will not attach her self to any of the rock, she just likes to float around but the problem is that see keeps stinging all my leather and they really don't like it. I bought her so when I get some snowflake clowns they can host. So I don't know what to do to get her to attach, im more afraid that she will cause more harm to her self and others in the tank. Did anyone have the same problem when they 1st got theirs or did they attach right away?
If I recall correctly, LTAs generally prefer burying their foot in sand, or in crevices of rocks on the sand bed. Do you have a spot in a sufficiently deep area of sand for the lil 'nem?
I have a purple long tentacle anemone, and I got it last wee. She looks beautiful but I keep having a problem. She will not attach her self to any of the rock, she just likes to float around but the problem is that see keeps stinging all my leather and they really don't like it. I bought her so when I get some snowflake clowns they can host. So I don't know what to do to get her to attach, im more afraid that she will cause more harm to her self and others in the tank. Did anyone have the same problem when they 1st got theirs or did they attach right away?

I got one too (long tenticle purple) from AquaPros almost 3 weeks ago and it still hasnt attached either...its even on the sandbed w/ its foot against the rocks so im in the same boat.... anyone got some help?
I got one too (long tenticle purple) from AquaPros almost 3 weeks ago and it still hasnt attached either...its even on the sandbed w/ its foot against the rocks so im in the same boat.... anyone got some help?

Oh no! Yours still hasn't settled down? Shame, that's a gorgeous anemone too! Hopefully you get it to calm down and attach, both of you.... I'll see if I can find any tips, but I'm not even close to competent with anemones, I just adore them.. Lol.

Edit: so... Some have suggested giving the 'nem a small tera cotta pot, so it will snuggle in there and feel secure... I'll keep editing with new tips as I find them...
Did you try putting it on a rock? Mine I got from Dave usually attaches right away. He only moved when I was in a transition between lights and then it split