new BTA tank cloudy?

I bought a BTA and a small pair of clowns yesterday. The clowns seemed interested in the BTA during acclimation, but can't find the nem now that its in the tank.

I woke up this morning to a slightly cloudy tank, and the rest of my coral does not look happy. Any advice or assistance on what could be causing the cloudiness would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!
will need more info (and a pic would help too) about this tank....
have you done anything to it recently? have you done a water change yet? ( I would ASAP)
has anything died? or looking like it's dying now and slowly decaying?
what does the nem look like this morning?
With the blues on..was this a low natural higher blue photo?
Some of my nems close up around the time my whites ramp down and then come back out once the blues are on 1hr later.

At night time it looks like a white beet...inside its foot with just the tips out.
fyi, your nem does not look good imo....
the fact that it is not attached to the rocks is a sign of unhappiness...
does it appear to have any excretion from it's mouth?

one other thing, what was your acclimation process when you added the nem to the tank yesterday?
we purchased a tank off of here over the summer and had it up and running. It sprung a leak and we purchased a new cube about 2 months ago and transferred the water/livestock. Everything has been looking very healthy and happy.
We just got him yesterday evening, should i try to move it onto a rock? it is in the sandbed right now. i cant see the mouth where it currently is
IME LEDs are much more intense than any other lighting...there is a very good chance that the increase in intensity is negatively affecting your corals...but this is just a guess since I know very little about your system...
Can you post a full tank shot?
in the middle of a water change. will post a pic once done.

the water isn't SUPER cloudy, but its usually clear and I was surprised when I woke up this morning. I figured the only culprit could be the nem. the kessil has been on there since the start with no issue.

I am not running carbon. its a 60 gallon cube with an eshopps sump and skimmer.

thanks for the assistance!
wadr, How long your light has been on your tank is irrelevant...corals can, are must often, can take weeks or even months to fully acclimate to lighting. So what looks great on day one can always look better or worse as time progresses...
You should most definitely be running carbon especially now that you have added an anemone...
It doesn't look happy, but it also doesn't look unhealthy. Kill the flow in the tank and get him perched up on a rock. It most likely won't be it's final resting place, they will find their spot whether you like it or not. I agree on running some carbon, it the very least you used up a little carbon, but it will help to remove whatever is in the water.
If it still hasn't attached itself to a rock yet, try moving it near a rock where it doesn't get much flow? That way it can atleast attach itself and acclimate properly rather than just float around and be stressed the whole time