New Clam placement ???


Hey everyone, I just did a tank swap and my Wife taked me into picking up a clam. I put it in the sand of my JBJ 28 Nanocube. can I leave it there or should I get it higher or on a rock?:loco:
I have the same question sort of. Just bought one yesterday and was told not to place it on the sand bottom, but I tried placing it on a couple of rocks and the fish have knocked it over like 4 times already.
I think it depends on the species of clam. Some like rock and some sand but I'm struggling with my own so I want to see what others think as well.
So no issues with parasites or such coming up through the sand bed into the clam if it is on the sand bed, like my LFS suggested?
Bury a flat rock/tile/ frag plug under the sand for it to attach to. If you do not bury anything they can and will attach to the bottom of your aquarium. Thus making them hard to move with out having to cut the byssmal threads and possibly killing it if done incorrectly. After it attaches you may possibly move it to another area you would like. Just FYI the clam will move itself (yes they can walk themselves) to a position IT chooses. This means a position you wont want it in!! When it's mantle is fully extended it is "happy"

Something to read about clams:
depends on clam. maximas and croceas like rock work and stong lighting . good flow but not where the clam is flapping around . dersas can stay in sand bed. i have seen people keep maximas in sand bed but they were usually 5 inch plus ones. i can tell u after haveing all of em and none dieing dersas did good in sand maximas did good middle of tank and croceas did better top tank high lighting never lost a clam had 5 at one time just couldnt keep up with calcium useing kalk so sold all but 2
Thanks everyone but a little too late. I tryed to place a rock under my teardrop maximus and I guess I tore the fibers that root it. It must have found an old piece of something in the sand. I woke up to my hermits having a feast. :wacko: I will get another soon and place him on a piece of rubble. That way I will be able to move him if he doesn't like where I put him.
Sorry to hear this.. Pull it out of your tank so it doesn't throw off your water params.

As for mine, I just moved my Crocea to my new tank and he is sitting on the sand. Under him is a decent size rock that he can attach to. Once he's attached, I am going to move him up to the top where he can get the most amount of light. Hopefully he will stay where I place him?!?! - Mind of their own, those clams have.
He's already out, thanks. I may be going to the wholesalers this evening with my brother-n-law. Hopefully we see the brain he wants and the clam I want. :clap2: