New clown, not eating :(


Well-known member
I got a clown fish yesterday ., a wild caught percula clown from old town aquarium.

Their salinity level is low at around 1.018 and I slowly acclimated it

The fish looks very healthy and is very active. But it's not showin any interest to eat ( it are like one pellet) I fed rods fish food and pellets and that's all it ate... One pellet.

What's my next step ??
You might need to give it some mysiss if it does not start to eat in a week or so, it will help him transition.
It helps to make sure the food is small enough. I have clowns that were scared of big pieces.of mysis.or larger pellets. I made them smaller and they would then eat it
yea ill get the smaller brine shrimp today evening. .

all it does it take a pellet and spit it and take it back like 3 or 4 times then lets it fall ...

this is worrying me a bit ..
yea ill get the smaller brine shrimp today evening. .

all it does it take a pellet and spit it and take it back like 3 or 4 times then lets it fall ...

this is worrying me a bit ..

Try soaking pellets to soften em up a bit
if its spitting the pellet in and out that is like chewing it, try grinding them between your fingers to break them up a little smaller
My clown did that too when it was really small, I don't think it could eat the pellet or mysis. put some flakes in there and got cyclop eeze and it went crazy on it.
It took my clownfish from Old Town about 5 days to start eating normally. I wouldn't stress yet.

Do you have a picture of it?
It's not that small .. Like twice the size of my smaller clown and my smaller clown eats pellets fine

Does it need to get used or something ?
Personally I would call them and ask them what they feed their clowns. He might just be used to a different food... I would buy what they feed their fish and then slowly transition the fish over to what you feed your tank. I actually had this same exact thing happen with a Archilles Tang I bought from Old Town about a year ago and I had to transition the fish over to my food. Just my .02cents, it might be worth a try. Worked for me.
Huh everything changed .. It's comfortable now and eating like a pig

I guess it became over comfortable and is biting my hands when I'm gluing coral :pout:
Glad he is eating!

I was over at frostyjay's on sunday and whenever he would put his hand in the tank his clown would go after it. I thought it was hilarious! haha