New Features of the Site Upgrade


Staff member
Here are a few new features of the site with many more coming.

Live Chat is back! Its at the bottom of your screen or in the top menu bar. Ask questions and talk to other hobbyist in real time.

You now have access to profile posts. Profile posts work like you a status update on facebook or a tweet. If you want to quick update on your tank that feature is now available. It can be accessed by clicking on your screen name and it will be available there.

The next feature that is being worked on is our article and sections. This area will house our photo and tank of the months as well as product reviews and much more. I'm hoping to have that up and running in the next week or so. If you are interested in contributing to the section please let me know.

We have some other things we will be adding at a later time as well.

If you have suggestions on what you would like to see please let us know.