New Fish - Chicago Reefs Meet Up!!!!

What day do you prefer

  • Sat Oct 25th

    Votes: 7 33.3%
  • Sun Oct 26th

    Votes: 14 66.7%

  • Total voters
Glad to see those of you at New Fish today!

Let's hear your reviews of Rod's food, especially the less common stuff like Fish Eggs Blend.
was nice meeting a COUPLE new peeps . grabbed some cuc 6 emeralds 4 pepermint shrimp 2 cleaner shrimp and lucky ME won some rods !! with fancy coozie for my beverage of choice:). thanks to newfish for hosting
Great seeing you guys again n thanx New Fish! My fish n coral have been on rods Herbivore Special for about 1 1/2 month n love it. Its alil messy but a thawed 1" by 1" square never even hits the sand bed before its devoured. I fed a tiny bit of eggs when I got home and everyone including my favias loved em. Tomorrow im going to feed my tomini tang some of the dried red seaweed to see if he eats that since he won't touch the sheets.
Thanks for hosting new fish...great to finally meet some of u goons...thanks also to rod for the give away.
Thank you to everyone who came out, while it wasn't the turn out we were expecting, we were very happy to see some familiar faces and meet some new ones! Please let us know what you thought here:

A very big thank you to Rod for donating the food, we love carrying your products in store and feeding it to all of our in house marine livestock. Also, thank you very much to Josh and the Chicago Reefs team for setting the meet up.