new fish = too many fish for 210


Active member
so i went to the store today and bought 5 more fish all female square anthias at online prices then wondered down the road to another store and bought another fish a jaw fish all good right nope i fear i have just way overstocked my tank so i need to know the best way to catch my fish without ripping it all apart once i gather these fish i will be putting them u for a trade or possibly free since there isnt anyehere to store them any ideas trying to catch a 3-4 inch hippo bicolor angel my clown pair should be easy and possibly a large vlamingii tang couple chromis
Have you ever made a fish trap? I made one once to catch a homicidal 6-line and it worked, with a little patience. Here's a link I quickly found online. There are a few slight variations but the concept is the same. Use a larger plastic bottle for larger fish, etc.
You also might want to hold off on feeding your fishes for a few days to get them really hungry and willing to enter the trap. Another tip, if a fish starts to investigate the trap and it's not one of the fish you want, then give a slight tug to the fishing line. It will shake the bottle a bit and usually scare off the ones you don't want to trap.
Bonne chance!
you sure they are square box? I was there the other day they had one male and a bunch of other anthias. You are aware the female square box, are totally yellow for the most part not pink and have no box, right?

great fish either way, just feed them alot
Usually I start feeding the fishes with a net in there and then catch them. So far that's worked for me the best, but my 150 is smaller than your 210. I've caught a Niger trigger, lamarks angel, copper banded, anthias....
tank size is 210 not sure what store you are talking about but they are female square anthias thats for sure no males were at this store it was indiana im not getting rid of new fish i plan on keeping all of them and i will try getting rid of the hippo tang bi color angel maybe my clowns maybe a pair of chromis well just have to see which this bottle catches keep yall posted when they are caught maybe get a trade for a frag or two depending on fish
tank size is 210 not sure what store you are talking about but they are female square anthias thats for sure no males were at this store it was indiana im not getting rid of new fish i plan on keeping all of them and i will try getting rid of the hippo tang bi color angel maybe my clowns maybe a pair of chromis well just have to see which this bottle catches keep yall posted when they are caught maybe get a trade for a frag or two depending on fish

ha I thought you bought them at "new fish" a new store here in the city. oops they are just "new fish" for you I guess. Good luck great fish feed them a ton!
caught three fish only one of them is the one i wanted out yellow coris wrasse and a hippo tang still to be caught
Ok. So since my last update all the fish I want out are out. I have caught the impossible blue hippo the ever so smart yellow coris and the I'm just to curious bi color angel. The clowns will be easy as well as the chromis. I will leavebthose till I have room in fuge. Thanks for all the ideas. In case anyone else has fish to catch I just followed the link given to me. I used a 2 liter bottle cut top bpart off so larger fish could fit. Cut just after the bottle neck inverted and superglue tacked. Around middle of bottle I tied 10 lbs fishing line and superglued it so bottle wouldn't spin. Put some food in and patients. I think 3 days total and caught 6 fish. Mission complete.