Right now the saddle-back is being relentlessly bullied by the other clown. The clown is perfectly fine with the basslet, but hates the new clown.
Here are some pictures They suck but at least you can see the fish
29 gallon and the problem is our other clown has been in the tank for over a year with he mate who recently died. She is a basic percula clown. She is so territorial that she attacks us when we have our hand in the tank.
We will see. I have no where else to put him so if all else fails the percula will go bye bye one way or another. We are most likely going to rearrange the tank to see if that helps.
Rearranging a tank with territorial fish in it, is always a good idea when introducing the new inhabitant. I suggest taking out the aggressive clown, redecorate, add the other fish, let the new guy find a territory & then put the mean fellow back. Good luck!
I have a mated pair of saddlebacks. The female tried 3 different times and nearly killed the male. I'm betting that another species will be even more irritating. The problem may be, when the saddleback starts being agressive the percula may not be able handle the beating like my big saddleback did. BTW, my pair are separated now until I get them in a bigger tank with totally different rockscaping.